CareStack started by migrating its existing policies, procedures, documents, and various other artifacts to Sprinto. Since CareStack already followed security best practices and had baseline policies in place, they only needed to tweak these policies to align with HIPAA and ISO27001:2013 guidelines. Sprinto’s baked-in policy templates expedited this exercise. “We uploaded our own policies, and also used Sprinto templates to save time,” remarks Sriram. Operationalizing policy acknowledgment and security training followed immediately after.

With integrations secured and nested, activating controls was next. Thanks to the fact that control data (and their respective checks) are pre-mapped to frameworks integrated into Sprinto, CareStack was able to expedite its launch and begin monitoring both programs quickly.

Download How CareStack used Sprinto to streamline compliance and organize multi-framework audit in 3 months Whitepaper

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